Walking to the MTC on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 |
April 30, 2013
Hello family!!!
Hello family!!!
got a new schedule on Sunday and they changed our P-day to Tuesdays! It
was seriously such a blessing. My laundry is in the wash as
we speak, mom,
so it all worked out! I got to go to the
temple this morning, too, which
was so peaceful and nice. P-days are the
best and it was just what I
needed to have one today. ALSO, we can e-mail
for an hour now! So Kirst
can post my e-mail on Facebook too if she
Ok, where to begin...I meant to bring my journal with me but
I forgot it in
my room so this letter might be somewhat sporadic. My apologies. My
district has eight elders and four sisters in it. All of us are going to Sao
Paulo Sul except for four of the elders. One of the elders lives in
Littleton! It has been really fun to talk to him and he said he lives
right by the Denver temple so I am pretty sure we live minutes away from
each other. He is going to Campinas, Brazil along with three of the other
elders. Mom, to answer your question, Sister Hargrove is not the one I have
my room so this letter might be somewhat sporadic. My apologies. My
district has eight elders and four sisters in it. All of us are going to Sao
Paulo Sul except for four of the elders. One of the elders lives in
Littleton! It has been really fun to talk to him and he said he lives
right by the Denver temple so I am pretty sure we live minutes away from
each other. He is going to Campinas, Brazil along with three of the other
elders. Mom, to answer your question, Sister Hargrove is not the one I have
communicating with. We were friends on Facebook before, but we
hadn’t ever talked with each other. I was
friends with all of the sisters
in my district before entering the MTC, so
it was pretty fun to see them
and meet them in real life. The one I have
been talking to about visa
stuff is Sister Empey. She is from Texas
and her companion is Sister Cox
from Philly. My companion, Sister
Hargrove, is from Washington state. She
lives in a small town though that is not
anywhere close to Spokane. She
says it is closer to the Oregon border. We
have been getting along really
well though. We are very similar and we
both have a strong desire to learn
which helps us stay focused during study
time and whatnot. I am so
grateful to have a first companion I will
have good memories with! It
has been so fun to work and teach with
her. My district is awesome
though. We definitely have gone though
some rough patches
already...Some of the elders have a hard
time focusing during study time
and on one particular day a fight of sorts
broke out and one elder slammed
his desk and all of his stuff fell on the
ground. It was a tense moment
and it was hard for us to feel unified.
However, we set some boundaries in
our district and have been praying for
unity and I think things are really
improving. We have all been better about
focusing and we have the Spirit
with us more as we study. It is amazing to
see the power of prayer work in
our lives.
My teacher's name is Irmao Mateer. He went to Portugal on his
mission but
he is trying really hard to teach us Portuguese with a
Brazilian accent.
It is funny because he kept saying Eu de Alpine, Utah (or I am from Alpine,
Utah), but when he started talking in English, he definitely had an
accent. We asked him about it later and he told us he is from Scotland but
he lives in Alpine, Utah. We love listening to him teach in his Scottish
accent. If you get the chance, mom, send me a package with a kilt. JK LOL.
It is funny because he kept saying Eu de Alpine, Utah (or I am from Alpine,
Utah), but when he started talking in English, he definitely had an
accent. We asked him about it later and he told us he is from Scotland but
he lives in Alpine, Utah. We love listening to him teach in his Scottish
accent. If you get the chance, mom, send me a package with a kilt. JK LOL.
language is coming slowly, but surely. We have already taught three full
lessons in Portuguese! Can you believe it: (The keyboard is in Portuguese
and that is what happens when I type a question mark.) The first lesson
we taught was on Friday and I was so
nervous. We had lots of things
lessons in Portuguese! Can you believe it: (The keyboard is in Portuguese
and that is what happens when I type a question mark.) The first lesson
written out to say in Portuguese but we
were stumbling through it and
whenever our pesquisador would ask
questions we would just look at him
blankly. (He acts like an investigator but
really he is just a teacher at
the MTC--but it is still nerve-racking).
Each lesson gets better and
better, though. It is amazing to see how
far I have come already. But I
still have so far to go and at times it
can be very overwhelming. My
companion and I were feeling particularly
overwhelmed one night, so Irmao
Mateer shared a story with us. I think he could tell we were a little
Mateer shared a story with us. I think he could tell we were a little
disheartened. He told us about Peter. He
first told us about when Peter
was walking on water and he started
sinking when he didn’t have the Holy
Ghost and when he started focusing on
other things besides Christ. He said
when we start getting distracted by all of the things that tell us we shouldn’t
be able to speak a language, then we will sink. If we take a leap of faith and
center on Christ, we will succeed. He then told us the story of when Peter
healed the lame man and it says he had the Holy Ghost with him. Irmao
Mateer said Peter’s faith and ability increased so much when he had the Holy
Ghost with him. Irmao Mateer then promised us if we have faith and have the
when we start getting distracted by all of the things that tell us we shouldn’t
be able to speak a language, then we will sink. If we take a leap of faith and
center on Christ, we will succeed. He then told us the story of when Peter
healed the lame man and it says he had the Holy Ghost with him. Irmao
Mateer said Peter’s faith and ability increased so much when he had the Holy
Ghost with him. Irmao Mateer then promised us if we have faith and have the
Holy Ghost with us, we will be blessed
with the words and the Spirit to
touch our investigators. It was amazing!
We are still struggling with
having the Spirit with us as we teach
because we are basically reading
stuff off of a page and it is really hard
to connect with the
investigator. But it is coming along, and
I am loving it. There are
definitely moments when I wish with all my
heart I could be speaking
English on my mission because I just want
to be bearing my testimony in the
words I know, but I know I was called to
do this for a reason and
with Heavenly Father, I am capable.
I have been sick my whole time here which has been a bummer.
Mainly it
a ridiculously runny nose and sneezing A TON (my poor companion)
so it is tedious but hopefully I will get better soon. Also, my voice is
hoarse and cracky so no one in my district has heard what my real voice
sounds like. Whenever we teach our investigator, too, I lose my voice at
the most inopportune moments. I am just worried I will get
other missionaries sick because our classroom is seriously an incubator.
It is so hot and so small! Wish us luck.
so it is tedious but hopefully I will get better soon. Also, my voice is
hoarse and cracky so no one in my district has heard what my real voice
sounds like. Whenever we teach our investigator, too, I lose my voice at
the most inopportune moments. I am just worried I will get
other missionaries sick because our classroom is seriously an incubator.
It is so hot and so small! Wish us luck.
has been so fun to see all of my friends at the MTC here. So far I have
seen Sister Bergloff, Sister Gibbs, Sister Seely, and Sister Walton a TON
because we all have classes in the same building. I have also seen Sister
Condie and Sister Rossberg. It is so fun to see those girls all of the
time! I also see lots of missionaries I know from BYU wards and classes.
I love seeing people I know! The MTC is a happy place indeed! Sister
Bergloff just got reassigned to Columbus, Ohio. I don’t know if you had
heard. Most Brazilian missionaries are getting reassigned and I couldn’t be
more excited about it. I kind of hope I get to serve stateside for a while!
We had an amazing Sunday Relief Society with the new Young Women General
President. Her name is escaping me right now but it was seriously so
good. There are tons of sister missionaries here and it was really
inspiring! It’s amazing because every time I am feeling down or frustrated,
the Lord blesses me with someone who delivers a message I feel like
was just for me. The MTC is definitely an emotional roller coaster in that
way. One moment I can be really frustrated and upset with myself and
others, but I soon realize how amazing of a privilege to be serving the
Lord! Also, I haven’t cried at all since I have been here. You should be
really proud because that is definitely saying something!
Well, that’s about it. I can’t figure out how to put pictures on yet but
hopefully I can get it by next week. Send me an e-mail so I can answer you
back about stuff!!
seen Sister Bergloff, Sister Gibbs, Sister Seely, and Sister Walton a TON
because we all have classes in the same building. I have also seen Sister
Condie and Sister Rossberg. It is so fun to see those girls all of the
time! I also see lots of missionaries I know from BYU wards and classes.
I love seeing people I know! The MTC is a happy place indeed! Sister
Bergloff just got reassigned to Columbus, Ohio. I don’t know if you had
heard. Most Brazilian missionaries are getting reassigned and I couldn’t be
more excited about it. I kind of hope I get to serve stateside for a while!
We had an amazing Sunday Relief Society with the new Young Women General
President. Her name is escaping me right now but it was seriously so
good. There are tons of sister missionaries here and it was really
inspiring! It’s amazing because every time I am feeling down or frustrated,
the Lord blesses me with someone who delivers a message I feel like
was just for me. The MTC is definitely an emotional roller coaster in that
way. One moment I can be really frustrated and upset with myself and
others, but I soon realize how amazing of a privilege to be serving the
Lord! Also, I haven’t cried at all since I have been here. You should be
really proud because that is definitely saying something!
Well, that’s about it. I can’t figure out how to put pictures on yet but
hopefully I can get it by next week. Send me an e-mail so I can answer you
back about stuff!!
I LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH! I hope all is well! Update me on
Sister Dixon
p.s. Sister Dixon can be reached at lindsay.dixon@myldsmail.net